Professional Background

As a mission-driven human, I’ve devoted my life to serving others.

Like many of us, my experience and contributions extend outside the boxes that we’re often asked to be put into. Here are a few highlights:

  • 20 years as a communications and leadership professional in non-profit and for-profit industries: human services, cultural arts, education, and EdTech; 15 of which I reported to the c-suite.

  • Former Director of Valar Leadership Accelerator and Head Coach: a global corporate leadership development program

  • 16 years public speaking and educating through: TEDx Talk, Think Tanks, media appearances, keynotes, conferences, workshops, board meetings, and political events

  • 15 years of life coaching specifically in the areas of leadership, management, personal transformation, body image, and eating disorder recovery

  • 10 years as co-founder/executive director of a cultural arts non-profit organization; studio owner operator

  • 10 years facilitating strategic planning, organizational change, culture creation; along with community roundtable discussions

  • 6 years consulting with companies, universities, and individuals in the areas of Business Development, Communications, Strategic Planning, Program Development, and Coaching.

  • 6 years as an organization’s official Spokesperson

  • 5 years hosting retreats about life’s big questions and personal transformation

  • 1 year serving as President of a non-profit Board of Directors

  • 1 book written, “A New Body Consciousness

Education / Training / Certifications

What People Are Saying About Jill as Professional

"I attribute my professional growth to the continued support and training I receive from Jill. Her approach to supervision is impactful.

She's also highly skillful in providing performance feedback." — A direct report

"Jill is a model manager of people - she is responsive and supportive in her feedback and is invested in her direct reports' success.

She doesn't shy away from addressing opportunities to improve but does so in a way that helps the employee continue to learn and strive to perform at their best.

She connects with her team members as individuals, builds a relationship, fosters trust, and makes them feel valued. She sets a high bar for herself and others and strives for excellence in all that she does." - Jill’s manager

"Jill skillfully balances challenging and encouraging me with professionalism and poise and does so in a personable way. I am grateful to learn from her wisdom and experience.

I feel valued and validated by the way that Jill listens, receives, and responds to questions, comments, and conversation." — A direct report

"There are many things that Jill does so well in her role as a manager and as a colleague. She is a big-picture strategic thinker, but never shies away from doing the heavy lifting to move projects and tasks forward.

I am always so impressed by her willingness to step up, ask the difficult questions and be comfortable having tough conversations.

She is a thoughtful, inspirational and an invaluable member of our team." — Colleague

“I feel blessed to know you and have loved working with you. You are brilliant and I’m better at my job because of you.” — Colleague

"You are an inspiration, and I’m so grateful to meet you and hear your stories. You brought so much light into my life" ... "You are such a role model to me.” – Participants in Syracuse University's SOULscape weekend retreat

"Jill delivered the material in the most genuine approach to holistic health I’ve ever witnessed.

I commend you for thinking outside the box to go with her.” – Staff response from a keynote at a Leadership Training on Wellness

“I could ramble for pages regarding the excellent insights and work you have provided in this report, but let me just be succinct: you nailed this.” — Client response on a departmental assessment

“I’m so fortunate I had the chance to work with you. You are an amazing person and a bold leader. It’s no surprise you are soaring to new heights.” — A direct report